Alright, so this has been really confusing to me. Some people said that the metatable OOP is really reliable but then, someone else says that it’s not that good and that I should avoid metatable OOP for an example this youtube video by @sleitnick
So, which one?
Code is code. It is as reliable as you make it. As a professional am i going to stop my day to learn OOP metatable best practices for a clone simulator game im on a deadline to complete. No.
Do i wish i knew more about metatable OOP and could intuitively implement better, Yes.
I get by in my day to day without even thinking about it, learn what you need not what you want. because you cant learn everything and most things aren’t worth your time when you get down to it.
metatables are super great for things like data Handling but no player has ever stuck with a game because of how great a data handler is💀
I already know how to implement Metatable-based OOP, but personally, I aim to make my code as efficient as possible. Some people argue that metatables aren’t ideal when it comes to transferring data over a network, and I’m concerned about that.
Honestly, it doesn’t really matter which one you choose, the difference is literally nothing.
You should never choose one just because its ‘faster’, you should choose one because it’s the one that feels the most intutive to you, and easiest to understand later down the line.
In my opinion, optimizations like these are nothing but an ilusion. The code being 0.00000001 second faster does not make any difference ever, so theres no need at all to make such tiny optimizations.
I think you should choose the one you like/use the most.
Both of you guys’ answers are great, thanks!
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