Should I worry about mesh ids I’m using ever getting deleted?

So lately I’ve come up with a great solution to my building which is using extremely basic building part meshes made by other people that have low triangle counts.

But the problem is. What happens to the meshes I’m using if that user who owns them gets terminated/deleted? Will it delete the mesh and break a lot of my game? (And this would severely hurt my game since it would pretty much rely on the basic meshes for the models.)

It would be very helpful if I could know if this a real risk or not.


I am pretty sure meshes will not break if a user is banned.

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Unless the mesh is the targeted reason for the termination, then you are fine.if the creator was banned for unrelated reasons, then the meshes are untouched.


Ok thanks. This has really worried me lately and sorta paused my developing

What will happen to a mesh you are using if it’s archived, will this break your game?