Is there an advantage to including the game’s title in the picture? Is it worth it?
Roblox game icons are tiny. Conveying relevant information in so few pixels can be difficult. With the game’s title already appearing below the picture, why use valuable space on displaying the title a second time?
Here are some possible explanations. I suspect that reading the black text titles on the games page takes the reader out of immersion and inconveniences them. Perhaps it is more pleasant to look at the more artistic rendition of the title than the plain black text. Perhaps players are so accustomed to seeing the title in the icon, that the extra effort of moving their eyes down annoys them or just feels off.
Another possibility is that the title is doing all the heavy lifting. There are many icons on the front page where I can honestly say I would have no idea what the game’s concept was without the title.
Titles in thumbnails are better just because they can allow you to fill more space with something that actually matters. It’s also a sign of quality, in my opinion. A thumbnail with a title in it is just more appealing to me than one without a title
Hmm… It really depends on what is more appealing to you and the player base. Personally, I like to include the title because It easily displays the name of the game and can even sometimes display what the game is about through just the icon. It’s all about your preference really, it’s not needed though, I’ve seen some incredible icons and thumbnails without the title!
Unless games have long names that don’t fit, I wouldn’t recommend it. There’s nothing wrong with including a title but it encourages bad practices used by many devs. Read this for more information.