Should motor6Ds be edited and created on the client or server?

I’m trying to make my ViewModel Animation interact with a banana.

The problem is though I don’t know how I should handle the motor6Ds I need to animate the banana with my ViewModel.

I check out this post and the AI assistant’s response my question and they both responded differently.

The AI assistant saying Motor6D changes should always be on the server, whereas this post saying it should be on the client.

Is it alright to edit and clone motor6d’s on the client?

I don’t think any value changed by the client will show up on the server.

Yes that will always be true but I’m wondering if its ok to edit motor6d’s on the client for the visual effect on animating my banana with my viewmodel.

I tried this in the viewmodel function below but nothing happened.

function Controller:RewardBanana()
	local function character()
		local bananaTrack = self.Animations.BananaReward
		return bananaTrack.Length
	local function viewmodel() -- Viewmodel banana reward needs a motor6d in the hrp and bananamesh in the character,  part0 = hrp, part1 = bananamesh
		local newMesh = Components.Banana.BananaMesh:Clone()
		newMesh.Parent = self.ViewModel
		local motor6d ="Motor6D")
		motor6d.Parent = self.VRoot
		motor6d.Part0 = self.VRoot
		motor6d.Part1 = newMesh
		local viewmodelBananaTrack = self.ViewModel.Humanoid.Animator:LoadAnimation(Animations.Reward)

	return character()

You can see I’m trying to animate my actual character and the ViewModel.

Animation Length might be 0 if the animation hasn’t loaded, aside from that, if you’re doing it only as a visual effect that only the client would see, then creating the motor6D on client only would be OK, if it is an animation all players would see, then creating on server would be the thing to do.

It’s strange how my animation isn’t working then.