Should you kick the player after failing to do :SetCore?

Before I start, I’m using this function that uses pcall and retries

Let’s say that the reset button failed to get disabled, now the player can reset when the game doesn’t expect you to. If the player will reset at some point after that, the game will break.

Should I kick the player after failing to do :SetCore then?


If it’s only reset then no. You can reset on mobile anytime and you can reset with hacks.


No, i think you should not.

I suggest you to put them in a bug screen, then run back the function, and if it still doesn’t work, you could put them in a bug screen again… and so on.


Then maybe a serverside Humanoid.Died connection and everytime the player actually dies in the game then somehow bypass that Humanoid.Died connection? For the fallen parts destroy height I could just teleport the player somewhere


Since resetting is disabled permanently right after you join in my game, I could make my loading screen load infinitely until the reset button disables. As for everything else other than the reset button, I don’t think using the chat or having the player list visible when the game doesn’t expect you to will break anything lol

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also can’t you just pass a bindable event that won’t do anything for mobile then?

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Players are going to die when they shouldn’t–they have technical control over their character’s physics. If this is going to be potentially game-breaking, it’s best to simply account for the edgecase; otherwise someone is bound to eventually bypass your safeguards (willingly or unwittingly), and you’ll have a dead server.


yeah i think i’ll just make the reset button accessible all the time then (the reason why i disabled it in the first place is because you could reset and interact with a npc at the same time and stuff would break, but that’s something i’ll be fixing later and it’s unrelated here anyway)

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for anyone wondering, yes i did disable resetting entirely just because of that bug. because it meant that if i reset doing any other action in the game simultaneously it would also probably break everything so i decided to not really look into it and disable resetting overall (i’ve changed my mind and i’m gonna actually fix it now after this post)

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