Shout Templates for Groups

Now that the groups page has been updated with the modern adaptable UI, some lovely enhancements to group features could be made. This feature request pertains to the “group shout” functionality.

Wouldn’t it be great if a certain set of ranks could create shout templates for other users with permission to shout on group? Many groups in the cafe industry would find this extremely useful when they use the shout feature for structured notifications, such as job interviews and trainings. For example, cafe groups could have a pre-made template such as the following:

[INTERVIEWS] | Host: Roblox username here | Co-Host: Roblox username here | Head on down to the Interview Center for a chance to get a job!

I can see this being used in many more groups other than cafes though as well. War groups, clans, and even fan-club based groups could all make use of this feature. As for the implementation, templates could be created within the “Configure Group” page, and can be accessible right under the shout tab on the main group page for users to fill in the text box with. Let me know your thoughts on this or what else you’d add to the feature. I know it seems like a small feature request. However, it would be of big help for the groups which would use it.