I want to show the image in the game without even uploading to roblox from external sites
The images are completely random and the image can be received in url or buffer from an rest api.
The issue is I have only one idea to do it. that’s by using buffer image. The buffer stuff might not work in roblox as roblox have strict restriction’s of external stuff and I also don’t know how to do buffer things in luaU/roblox
Are you trying to get around image moderation? That’s not a good idea, just don’t. It might be okay to do this if you have 100% control over which images are displayed. But allowing your users to display any image from the internet is an excellent get-your-game-taken-down-% speedrun strat.
It’s totally possible though, you can send arbitrary data to/from your server using HttpService. Just encode a bitmap as a string using base64 or smth and display the pixel data using colored Frames. Please be responsible though.
This is still a bannable offense despite the filters you have put in place. Roblox has designed their filters around their Terms of Service, and using your own violates that. If you want to use an image in your game, you will need to upload it.