Show Moon Animator 2 animation to a player

Hello, I would like to know how can I create a cinematic with Moon Animator to show to the player?

I mean, I know how to create an animation with multiple characters in Moon Animator but after that, how I show it to the player. (Like a normal animation?)

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You mean like play it in game? I made a module Moon Animator 2 Animations Player. It’s really bad and not optimized but i don’t know any other way to play animations in game.

Playing animations with several rigs is kinda annoying as they get exported as different saves
you have to get the animation for every rig and then play them whitin a script, and for camera movement i think you gotta script it completely

Mmh alright but if I don’t use moon animator, I learned how to do an animation with parts, do you think I can move all characters in one group and I can use groups in “part animation” (animation with parts and no character).