Just finished this today.
Very nice and formal. Great job!
Thanks! (devforum character limit go brrrrrr)
What do you use to make your clothes??
What do you use to make your clothes?
Which application/s do you use? Wanting to take my designing to the next level.
I use GIMP 2.10.18 for clothing and other stuff like textures.
Tried gimp. Didn’t like it, to much of a photoshop ripoff.
Pixlr e mostly
Krita! Its open source like gimp. Its good for a lot of things.
I use paint . net if you’d like to know
I said I didn’t design, but this post made me want to. Here’s my 15th design lol. I made it to match one of the avatars I have.
Looks clean, and I like how you made it to match your avatar!
Glad I could help! (unless that’s a bad thing lol)
It’s not a bad thing, I’m actually happy I stumbled onto this post, it really is useful to be able to design when you can’t find any clothes that match with an avatar, lol.
Yeah, and people can give feedback!
I actually haven’t designed in a while, but here are a few of my designs!
(order is newest to oldest)
They look really nice