Show off your UI designs

Some new UI for my game Valor FPS :shushing_face:


finished the update to the about page. looks way better now imo


At first I thought this was a different guy trash-talking on the DevForum. Glad it isn’t. Forgot that this isn’t Twitter.


You’ve clearly never done UI design in your life.

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You’ve clearly never learned that Roblox probably isn’t the right engine for you.


Long time no see…

I’ve made a sort of Steam Big Picture but Roblox version and it is part of another project that im doing called RobloxOS. More details here.

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How does that even link to the fact Roblox watermarks every game with a UI button that nobody can even click when the game’s mouse is locked to center.

ig it doesn’t look as good but it was my first time using figma


This will be my last post responding to you here because its getting off-topic…

Roblox will always “watermark” experiences on their platform, if that button wasnt there, new users would most likely be confused on how to open the in-game menu, which is important as it provides the ability to: reset your character, leave the game, report people, view controls, change volume, graphics quality, mic and video inputs, toggle performance monitors, invite friends, enable shift lock, change the control method.

If you don’t like that then consider dropping Roblox for an engine that fits your needs. Considering the game you’re trying to make I would use Unreal.


Minimal + Simple UI
Nothing too crazy, just a test run.

Main Menu | FULL VIDEO


Another Submission

I present to you my Event Winning submission that won me 800r$ in a competition.


This is also my last post responding to your LOVE for the Roblox UI Button.

I expect new users to know how to access the ROBLOX UI MENU with a single key press. Most importantly the things you’ve mentioned I have completely disabled in my game.

Invite Friends = Impossible due to the way my servers work
Reset Character = Disabled by developer
Shift Lock = Disabled by developer

I expect players, new or not, to use a simple key to open the menu, the mouse is locked in the center anyway, it’s a keyboard or nothing.

You telling me to switch platforms is like telling someone to move countries, Roblox is the only engine offering free servers and UI designing tools (for the cost of 70% tax).


What if the player is on mobile? What if a player doesn’t know that “escape” opens the menu? He is not saying that he loves the coregui, rather he is saying that it’s needed for proper user experience within Roblox


It’s been a while since I posted much about my work, but I’m at least willing to say that this was mediocre at best compared to my recent work.


Coming soon to a spaceport near you C:


Also, if the new coregui currently in BETA, is ruining your top left UI, why not just switch back to the old coregui?


I like the radio, including the module and server, makes it feel like a real radio in a way. But why the did u add the fade on the ui?

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Honestly I’m not too big on it either and I’d change it but right now I want to focus on other parts of the game. For reference, It’ll be similar to Elite Dangerous in terms of gameplay.

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I’ve been recently making GUI for a game I’m doing for the Developer Hub event, I need some Feedback, Advice, and even Constructing Criticism will do the job!

Style: Modern, Cocoa-Like Color

Program: None other than Roblox Studio

I only recorded a video, it’s not long. Recording quality might not be that good but I could try taking screen shots for any one who want’s it.

robloxapp-20240801-2328326.wmv (2.8 MB)

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Mobile is the exception, but I’m not designing my UI for mobile, actually, I’m not even designing my game to be on mobile. If they don’t know how to utilise a keyboard to open a menu then they don’t belong in front of a computer, it’s something you learn from other games too not only Roblox.

The UX design has no role in a game that has your mouse locked in the middle 24/7.


Bringing back an old project,
first ui prototype