its a bit squashed together vertically, maby make the tiles a bit smaller, give the images in the tiles some padding, some more offset between the tiles section and search bar.
I made that like 3 years ago
AHAHAH, would love to see some designs of you now then. Im sure you have inproved over that time. and those where already good.
maby go for a white background? and less grayish colors. but not to bright either. a colored background is hard to kickoff also i reccoment to not use gradients for buttons. it feels a bit off.
it looks nice but the spacing is a bit off.
The right side soacing is way more then left. the bottom is also almost 0 spacing. I’d give them the same and build it like its on a grid.
They’re both good but its up to you
I think it looks more polished and clean than the actual roblox one
How did you do corner like this
Add a UICorner modifier to a CanvasGroup object. This causes UI clipping out of the CanvasGroup to appear rounded. You can then add additional UICorner modifiers to UI parented to the CanvasGroup object to get the effect you referenced.
This method won’t work with PluginGuis, however, because they don’t support CanvasGroups yet. You can still create this though, by using images and manipulating the properties of the ImageButton.
Example.rbxm (6.2 KB)
My upcoming UI pack:
(The button on the left should be the same shade of white, was just selecting it while screenshotting.)
Roblox High School 1 if i designed the UI
Not really a Roblox STUDIO ui but heres a Roblox UI:
(For an upcoming project of mine)
(want to stay updated? Join this group: Zilk - Roblox)
Thanks for looking at my UI design. (I made it cause RoGold ultimate cost money bc I am poor)
Hey there! Nice UI, you should however place the “Confirmation” GUI a bit lower, and add a pattern behind the GUI. You should also add a darker background in both UI’s and add gradients to all elements except the text-based ones (Confirmation and the “Are you sure” text).
Other than that, not much!
Here’s a GUI mockup I made that represents (supposedly) yours:
If you’ve got time, give it an opinion, alright? Thanks.
Looks great but I feel that the Shadow on the text could be difficult for some users to read. As UI Designers we should always think about the accessibility of our Designs.
Edit; I was going for something more Professional-like which is why I did not add bright coloring and abstract designs. I just wanted something simple and quick. Also the Background is what the Client wanted
It is astonishing! I love it, it’s simple, clean, it’s something I expect out of good and interesting games from 5 years ago. It gives out that Parkour style, which I love.