Show off your UI designs

Despite your arrogance, you are a pretty good UI designer. However, that is no reason to put other people’s UI down. Just because it is a different style, does not mean it is ‘worse’ than yours. Btw, the ‘locked’ icon is kind of off. I would make it semi-transparent or grey.

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My recent Figma work : )
I mostly post my UI on my socials ( like my twitter )
But I decided to post my work here again ( after 4 months of not doing so )


Also apologies, the Images are taken from Twitter :frowning:
So they’re a bit compressed…

I have tried remaking some UI elements from the ROBLOX create page.
All made from scratch using Studio

(sorry for double cursor and low fps my recorder is like that and it’s a gif)

(same thing)

Feedback appreciated.


Spot on! You really did a good job remaking these UI elements.
Why don’t you try making all of the buttons?

You are currently missing:


The images above are some of the more common UIBlox elements, but still, great job!
For more information about UIBlox, see Roblox’s storybrook page.

I won’t be making all of them simply because I don’t need them and I don’t have the time but it’s pretty cool to have them.

Fixed the button to look more like the one in create (less UIStroke and darker UIStroke)


well, here’s my UI design. There’s quite a bit of it since my whole game is a UI.


those look epic! great job!

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Is that a powder toy like game I see? UI looks nice, but the outlines could be a bit thinner overall and more consistent on the frame in the middle (the bottom frame and the main middle frames have two different outline thicknesses. Removing the top and bottom scrollbar images to make it a square would probably make it look better too.

How well does the game run?

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Good idea with the outline thickness consistency. Also the game runs incredibly well. I am using my own pixel canvas engine that uses UIGradient compression, and the powder game runs off of chunks that can sleep, so only moving elements will get updated.

The game runs at 60 FPS almost all the time on most mid-range+ devices.

I have worked incredibly hard on performance for the game

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You do realize you can just get Roblox’s UIBlox…

I don’t think you can use ROBLOX React components in a Screen Gui in a game.

I believe this is a public module?

A player profile GUI with a UI Blur:

Also a look at my admin panel named BUSI:

All 100% made in Roblox Studio.

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These aren’t bad


There’s something called Roact.mount()

I don’t think you know what you’re talking about. I may be wrong but through little searching it seems that Roact.mount simply is a function to pack a bunch of Roact elements in a ScreenGui. Feel free to tell me otherwise as long as you provide enough information for me to understand. Your simple answer of: “There’s something called: Roact.mount” seems incomplete and is presented in a toxic way.

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the only thing that seems incomplete is your braincells, UIBlox is a roact and a react component library, Roact.mount() mounts those components into a ScreenGui.

It is. Isn’t it?

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May you show a working example of it? Telling someone they’re stupid without proving your point is as stupid as it gets. You keep telling the same thing.

Edit: I found what you are talking about but it seems we aren’t talking about the same UIBlox here. You seem to be talking about the one in game that shows up when you get disconnected or other things. I am actually talking about the UI on the create page of roblox.

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