Show us all sponsor runs


As a developer, it is currently too hard to

manage and keep track of currently running sponsorships for our games and experiences, when having medium to large teams this becomes more of an issue when the sponsorship that is run by one team member only shows up to them on the settings page:


If Roblox were to fix this

It would allow for a much smoother experience for any developer of the game to go in and know what has been sponsored before, how well it did, who has sponsored previously, and at what amounts.

Scenario / Use Case

The team has been working hard at work creating and testing an awesome update for their game. While the finishing touches are being added one of the developers is tasked to get the sponsorship ad runs ready so they can be launched when the update is released.

The developer goes to the sponsored setting page and selects the game they’d like to sponsor, now we know for sure that we’ve run sponsors before however others have run them previously, but because it’s this developer’s first time they don’t see any sponsored runs at all…

The developer is now facing a problem as they don’t know what the previous sponsor runs were like to make a proper judgment on what this run should be configured. Said developer can certainly reach out to his fellow teammates and ask, however, this is rather inefficient and sometimes even unhelpful, where they are unable to reach those who’ve run the sponsors before because they’re either offline, too busy, or don’t work on the game anymore!

TL: DR; Because sponsor runs are only shown to the person who’s run them, others can’t make a proper judgment as to what the next run should be configured as. By having the sponsored runs shown to all developers this will no longer be an issue and operations can run smoothly.


Thank you for brining this up @Dev0mar! Just to clarify, you’re seeing this issue for group owned experience right? Do other members that try to run sponsorships have the proper permissions to do so?


Yes this is a group game, I’ve ran into this issue for multiple games across multiple groups.

Yes permissions are given both via group as well as the game’s permissions to Edit.