Show which platform/s a game is compatible with on game details page

I was playing with my brother the other day, I was on PC while he was on Xbox. The game I picked for us to play wasn’t compatible with Xbox because my friend couldn’t join my server and gives him a message saying “the device you’re on doesn’t support this game” or something along those lines.

The only way to know is if you search for the game’s name on said device. If the game is not there then it’s not compatible. If only there was an easier way to know which device/s a game can be played in.

The picture shown below is located in the “About” section of a game’s description. I recommend adding “Devices” on here and showing the icons of the platforms the game is compatible with. I don’t know if this has been addressed already in the past or not but I want to put it out there.

This will make things much easier for players. For example, someone was playing on their computer and they want to go back to it later on their phone. They’ll just have check the game description to know if mobile devices are compatible.

If there’s like a website or something that checks for this kind of stuff please let me know. Thanks!