[Showcase] Impulse 3D audio raytracing

Hey all!

Over the past year or so I’ve been working on a real time audio spatializer plugin for roblox. This has come with many challenges and loads of math. Recently this has become much much easier to work on so I’m expecting to put this up for sale somewhat soon.


What is an impulse audio raytracer

The full name is “Impulse Spatializer”.
The Impulse spatializer calculates how a sound should sound realistically:

  • depending on the materials around you
  • how far it has to go through walls and what materials it has to go through
  • The distance of the sound and how much the air should absorb
  • How much of the sound should be reduced if the sound is in another room and has to bounce towards you.

What about performance
The spatializer does its calculations and raytracing on multiple threads, allowing for a pretty OK performing game. Optionally you can change the update speed to

Somewhere in the next couple of months. There is still some refactoring work, as well as some other issues that I have to fix.

This has been and is one of my biggest projects considering the scope. I’m really looking forward to putting this up.

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