[Showcase] LoadingScreen/ServerShutdown UI

Showcasing a simple loadingscreen I made with a youtube video which I had customized to fit what I prefer with a Server Shutdown/Restart I also made while using other forum documents to help with some stuff.

Loading Screen

Server Shutdown/Restart


nice, what tutorial did you follow?

I forgot which one but I could send you the file if you would like.

That would be cool but you dont have to! (you could go thru your you tube history if that’s easier)

I have my watch history off unfortunately, I tried to look through my search history but couldn’t find it.
Heres the download file if you’d like.
LoadCheck.rbxm (10.4 KB)

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wait till you lower graphics to 1 and check the blur :rofl:

It looks the same?

maybe this one? https://youtu.be/1cx5d5tcexE?si=Of1VNzCMRfB1E-IA

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