[Showcase] Neon City

I just finished my first showcase, I call it “Neon City”.

The entire showcase took about 3 1/2 hours to complete. It has ambient music playing in-game to try and match the city theme.

Here are some pictures!

I am looking for constructive feedback and your opinion on how much it could be sold for. Both would be appreciated.


I am not sure, but I am guessing that you are going for a Japanese neon city.

It is pretty nice, though I would say maybe increasing the lighting a bit.
It looks like it is a pretty old city which gives it a unique look.
Maybe if you can also do the interior of some of the buildings and maybe add some action such as maybe old, moving cars to your game it might bring the value up.

I would say that currently this build is worth around 500-859 :robux_gold:.

Best of luck in future development.

EDIT: When you zoom out of the map, it shows that there is another area in the map, why can’t we access it?

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That isn’t part of the build. Just an excess part. Thank you for the feedback!

Oh ok, that makes sense since it is blocked off. Though if you didn’t like my feedback, then please do not be discouraged!



I love the neon city style, but I suggest trying to add more neon assets to the ‘streets’. Personally I think that it would look a bit better if you add them.


I personally think it’s a pretty good attempt at a neon city, but from a neon city I would expect much more neon to be in my face. Slate texture does not work well here, if you want to achieve much more rugged concrete texture try applying custom textures over limiting yourself to just default roblox provided textures. Also play around with lighting and try to add more lights.


Did a short run

Looks great, my only issue is there’s not much attention to detail. It’s all basically the same shapes. (Flat surface with props coming off) Maybe add some shops in it, and a story behind it. Other than that it looks great my guy, keep it up!

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