ShowDecompositionGeometry shows entire Union as flat black with no shadows

ShowDecompostionGeometry (gonna call it SDG) in Studio settings is now rendering the Unions as all black with no shadows. It used to show you multicoloured boxes/wedges that would at least give you an idea of what your union was shaped like. Also tried using CloneTrooper1019’s Show Decomposition Geometry plugin (Mesh Optimization Tools - Roblox) and changing ‘time of day’ in Lighting but no change in what I see.

This happens every time, with every Union, in all places. I’ve also reset the Quality level and Edit Quality level from Auto to 21 to see if that helps with no change.
SDG unchecked:

SDG checked:

This makes it so difficult to see how your Unions are being put together. I also tried changing the Transparency of the Union, but that had very little effect on showing the faces of the Union ‘segments’, it only showed the triangles/boxes between the areas. As you can see in the bottom left hand corner of the selected Union it’s a pain to distinguish what the actual shape of that corner of the Union will be since it doesn’t use squares or triangles to ‘outline’ the segment, it shows multiple sided ‘wedges’ to outline it.
SDG Transparency of .5:

My request is that you show the Union with reflection or shadow on each face so we can determine what the shape is.


Bumping this, happens on the mac version as well.

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This is not happening for me, I am on MacOS Catalina.

How is it appearing for you?

I’m on Windows 8.1
AMD FX 770K Quad Core Processor, 3.5 GHz
64-bit operating system, x64-based processor

As a temporary workaround you can add a Humanoid in the Workspace while viewing decomposition geometry, as that changes the shading model to one where the decomp coloring isn’t broken. Don’t forget to remove it before you run the game though otherwise you’ll get some weird behavior – alternatively you can set it to Archivable = false on it to make sure you don’t.


For me it just appears as how it normally does.