When the game is loading (maybe before or after an ad has been played to the viewer) it’d be nice if we could see the description as the game loads. I used to do this a lot; look at the game info as it’s booting up in a separate window.
The root problem really is the fact that the loading screen on the site hijacks the entire page. It’d be nice if we could actually use it for the 5 to 15 seconds it takes to load a game to look at comments, read the description, look at the thumbs up/ thumbs down ratio.
Adding on to this, an API for getting info about the game you’re in would be helpful. One function could be :GetDescription, which you could then use in the in-game loading screen. Others include game rating, game image(s), number of players online, etc.
Yes it does.
I use this to fetch the “current version” and see if the server version is the same, to establish whether a specific server is old or up-to-date.
Adding to this, the loading screen doesn’t go away if you get an error of some kind. The popup says something along the lines of “There was an error, please reload” and then proceeds to read “ROBLOX is updating.” Fact is, the previous line is often displayed for the duration of the load time when ROBLOX is in fact up to date.
If my internet is slow and I leave the loading screen open while I go do something else, I can’t be sure if it’s actually loading or is just broken when I return.