Right, so people have advised me that I should add verifications to my admin panel’s remote events so hackers cannot use it against us. Anyways it has been an amazing bit of code the person recommended for me to use but I have having issues using it with the last 2 functions. No errors so I have no Idea as to why they are not working.
Suggest Security Code
if not table.find(modList, player.UserId) then
-- user using the remote is a bad actor, punish them and drop the request
return player:Kick("Tampering with Remotes");
I do have a pretty good idea as to why it is not kicking the person who is not an admin who fired the server. I believe its because it actually does but its to late because it follows through with the function to kick everyone in the server. So basically I am asking how to cancel kicking everyone from the server. I know it has to go in the then part of the script but thats it for that.
Attempt to Verify Shutdown Script
local config = require(script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Config)
local admins = config.adminIDs
local shutdown = false
if not table.find(admins, player.UserId) then
-- user using the remote is a bad actor, punish them and drop the request
return player:Kick("Tampering with Remotes");
for k, value in next, game.Players:GetPlayers() do
value:Kick("This server has been shutdown by an Admin.")
shutdown = true
function onJoin(player)
if shutdown then
player:Kick("This server has been shutdown by an Admin.")
But yeah it just shuts down the server anyway even if your not an admin.
As for the unban script I have no idea why it is not working.
Attempt to Verify Unban Script
local config = require(script.Parent.Config)
local admins = config.adminIDs
local datastoreservice = game:GetService("DataStoreService") -- These two lines are the datastores
local bandata = datastoreservice:GetDataStore(config.DataStoreKey)
if not table.find(admins, plr.UserId) then
-- user using the remote is a bad actor, punish them and drop the request
return plr:Kick("Tampering with Remotes");
local uid = game.Players:GetUserIdFromNameAsync(plrtounban) -- They won't be in the game so we get the id
bandata:SetAsync(uid,{".",".","."}) -- Sets it to something without the id in the first column in the datastore
Any help would be amazing as we are on the home stretch to finishing this.
I suggest having an “Admin Check” Function to check if that player is among the whitelist table, then if they are add a value into some folder inside the player called “ADMINCONSOLE” or something of that sort. Then just check if they have that value (make sure its only created on the server and that the server checks to see if they have it not the client or else exploiters can exploit this into their client)
local config = require(script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Config)
local admins = config.adminIDs
local shutdown = false
if not admins[player.UserId] then
-- user using the remote is a bad actor, punish them and drop the request
return player:Kick("Tampering with Remotes");
for k, value in next, game.Players:GetPlayers() do
value:Kick("This server has been shutdown by an Admin.")
shutdown = true
function onJoin(player)
if shutdown then
player:Kick("This server has been shutdown by an Admin.")
local config = require(script.Parent.Config)
local admins = config.adminIDs
local datastoreservice = game:GetService("DataStoreService") -- These two lines are the datastores
local bandata = datastoreservice:GetDataStore(config.DataStoreKey)
if not admins[plr.UserId] then
-- user using the remote is a bad actor, punish them and drop the request
return plr:Kick("Tampering with Remotes");
local uid = game.Players:GetUserIdFromNameAsync(plrtounban) -- They won't be in the game so we get the id
bandata:SetAsync(uid,{".",".","."}) -- Sets it to something without the id in the first column in the datastore
Wait thats odd, I tried it and the whitelist for the shutdown was the opposite lol. The admin was kicked for using remote and the nonadmin could shutdown. Could you help with this?
if not table.find(admins, plr.UserId) then
-- user using the remote is a bad actor, punish them and drop the request
return plr:Kick("Tampering with Remotes");
Change above to:
if not table.find(admins, plr.UserId) then
-- user using the remote is a bad actor, punish them and drop the request
plr:Kick("Tampering with Remotes");