Does anyone like this shutdown screen?
I quite like it but… The red is a bit bright and in your face, maybe go for a darker red or change the colour completely!
Could use lots of work, mainly its uneven, doesn’t match anything and the text is off. I like the idea but it could use some work.
I like it. But it looks a bit basic so try messing around with the font and colour.
The red colour is a bit too bright. Consider changing it to a different shade, like pink.
The font might also be a problem. You might want to change it to the Arcade font, which (I think) looks slightly more realistic.
The screen is actually pretty creative; great job!
Yeah you can definitely fix that, the red colors are too bright try using dark colors, also you can use ui corner for the box of the text to make it look more nice.
I think it could look better if you removed the outlines of the white boxes.
I know right,should we help him?
It’s a bit bright. But otherwise good job!
It looks good, but the red is too bright for me. You might wanna make it a bit darker.
That’s what we’ve all been saying lol.
I like it but I would suggest changing the font, the color (maybe a red a little darker), and also the first thing I noticed was the outlines on the white boxes as I can see that and I think that if the outlines were gone then it would look better.
Could use some work, but it’s a start at least!
Definitely change how the UI & UI Colors look though, the Screen looks like I got a random virus from the internet
I like the idea you tried to go for! What I would change is some graphics though. For example, align the text, make the background a bit brighter, make the text white and give it a font! Remove the border pixels for the square too! I’d also suggest adding an UI Gradient to your background! IT would look look really elegant! Best wishes of luck!
is creative, but i don’t like it at all.
see those white borders in the center? remove the black borders and it would look good.
Note, this was just a showcase I don’t know how to script a command to pop up a shutdown screen.
It looks awful. Needs a lot of revisions to be done.
The red is just screaming at me and I don’t like it. The weird white box in the middle looks super jank. The text that is all over the place just looks extremely weird and the text should be formatted in some uniform fashion.
Try something more quiet?
This took me like 5 minutes, I didn’t save it.
Good! I don’t think much could’ve been done to fix it. It might be best to start over and try modeling your shutdown screen after a popular game’s shutdown screen. Again, try using colors that are calming and keep a uniform typescript.