This bug happens every time I shut down my game’s servers. It causes the average playtime for the next hour to be extremely high.
This may have something to do with the fact I’m using the Soft Shutdown script by @Merely - but then again I’m not too sure as I haven’t tested it with a place that isn’t using this script.
All in all here is what the average playtime graph looks like if I shut down all servers.
Friday (Nov 10) is when I saw this. Updated the game and shut down all servers earlier that day (around 3am) and average play time was in the hundreds of minutes, when usually it hovers way lower.
Hey guys, I’m currently looking into this. To help diagnose it we’d like to take a look at some raw data, can one of you message me with the exact time and day one of these events too place?
We investigated this briefly but did not come to any conclusions about why this is happening. Please let us know if you think this is causing issues for you and we may revisit.