Side scrolling camera

So, I’m making a Glass based game and I’m trying to manipulate the camera to focus on the ‘side’ of the character.

I have tried to use the Camera properties in the Explorer, although through ssome research I saw that it would be only manipulated via scripts, by using CFrame & vVctor3 offsets I believe.

As stated before, I have tried with messing about with the Camera properties in the Explorer window, but no luck.

Any help will be grateful,

Perhaps you should take a look at this tutorial:

I think it would help you a lot,

Hope this helps,
-Tom :slight_smile:


If I’m understanding correctly, you’re going to need the player’s input for controls along with the use of the CurrentCamera object located in the workspace.

The tutorial that @ThomasMGardiner mentioned will help, but specifically parts 1 and 2:

After following the 2 videos above, you should be ready to go!