Sigma Hotels Host and Co-Host guide

Host and Co-Host Guides:

Welcome to this training session! I’m your host (name) and this is your wonderful co-host (name)!

Before we start, I want to remind you that PTS is enabled which means if you talk without permission, you’ll be kicked out of the server!


  1. Listen to staff in order to succeed in your career at Sigma Hotels. This includes listening to MR’s / HR’s.

  2. Roaming is not allowed! It includes changing seats without permission from General Manager+ and lining up to the training section when you are not called.

  3. If you failed your quiz, be sure to not do outrageous acts. Ask your helper politely and why you have failed because it might be a mistake that you have not realised.

  4. Grammar is mandatory at all times when hanging at our hotel. Failing to use it might result in a demotion or a suspension.

  5. Please be sure to cover the answers to the quiz if you are recording it so that we avoid taking actions.

  6. Be sure to always listen to your trainer and helper to succeed your quiz.

  7. Keep in mind that you’re brave and will get the job if you focus.

And now with our co-host for the expectations.

Trainee Expectations:

  1. Please don’t speak at all because PTS is currently enabled. Stay quiet till it’s disabled.

  2. IIII roles are found in our hotel, Security, Receptionist, HouseKeeping and Barista.

  3. Do not move from your place unless the host says so. If you do roam around or go to the station that you want to train for before we announce it, you will be kicked out of the server.

  4. Failing the test will kick you out of the server with the reason why you have failed. You can always try another time if you have failed.

  5. If you have passed the test, your helper will take you to the Ranker and you will be named Passed with the role that you trained for and will be a worker in our hotel and a part of our family!