Signature Apparel
Homestore Rules
5 Verbal Warnings (Then Kick)
1. Refrain from trolling (1st Degree). This includes repeating questions/statements that have already been answered/replied to.
2. Do not attempt to glitch into any restricted areas (such as the premium & staff lounges).
3. Do not spread misinformation. This includes unrelated political statements, conspiracy theories, and any other untrue statement.
3 ModWarns (Then Autokick)
4. Do not be inappropriate (1st Degree). This includes references to NSFW content.
5. Refrain from trolling (2nd Degree). This includes having 3 verbal warnings for repeating the same offence.
6. Do not attempt to glitch into any restricted areas (2nd Degree). This includes having 3 verbal warnings for repeating the same offence.
7. Do not make users feel unwelcome (1st Degree). This includes but is not limited to: 3rd Degree trolling, 2nd Degree NSFW references, and 1st degree LGBTQ-phobia / racism / sexism / other hateful messages (see following rules).
8. Refrain from trolling (3rd Degree). This includes repeating any second degree trolling offences.
9. Do not be inappropriate (2nd Degree). This includes repeating 1st degree offences after continuously being asked to stop.
10. Do NOT spread hate speech (1st Degree). This includes LGBTQ-phobic / racist / sexist statements that would make anyone feel unwelcome in our community.
11. Do not spam (1st Degree). This includes flooding chat with non harmful messages. Repeating the same message 4+ times counts as spam.
Server Ban
12. Do not make users feel unwelcome (2nd Degree). This includes continuing any of the previous offences 2 or more times after being told to stop.
13. Refrain from trolling (4th Degree). Coming back after 3 or more kicks to continue trolling will result in a server ban.
14. Do not be inappropriate (3rd Degree). This includes coming back after 1 kick to continue offending.
15. Do not spread hate speech (2nd Degree). This includes coming back after 1 kick to continue offending.
16. Do not spam (2nd Degree). This includes spamming harmful/hateful messages 4+ times.
Permanent Ban (Appealable)
17. Do not make users feel unwelcome (3rd Degree). This includes being server-banned in 2 different servers for 2nd Degree offences.
18. Refrain from trolling (5th Degree). This includes being server-banned in 3 different servers for 4th degree offences.
19. Do not be inappropriate (4th Degree). This includes being server-banned in 2 different servers for 3rd degree offences or bypassing the chat filter.
20. Do not spread hate speech (3rd Degree). This includes repeating 2nd degree offences or being banned in 2 different servers for 2nd degree offences.
21. Do not spam (3rd Degree). This includes being server-banned in 3 different servers for 2nd degree offences.
Permanent Ban (Non-Appealable)
22. Exploiting will result in a non-appealable permanent ban (1st Degree).
23. Do not be inappropriate (5th Degree). This includes directly bypassing the chat filter to directly reference NSFW content OR continue to offend after your appeal is accepted.
24. Do not spread hate speech (4th Degree). This includes directly bypassing the chat filter to spread hateful messages OR continuing to offend after your appeal was accepted.
25. Do not spam (4th Degree). This includes continuing to spam after your appeal was accepted.
- Offending on alternative accounts will result in a permanent blacklist from all Signature Apparel services.
- Raiding will result in the leader’s account being permanently blacklisted from all Signature Apparel services. If the raid was coordinated by a group, the group will be permanently blacklisted from the homestore (if you are in the blacklisted group, you’ll be banned until you leave it).
- Bending the rules in any way to evade a ban.
Thank you for following our rules, we could not do it without you!
Play here : Signature Homestore V2 (GRAND OPENING!) - Roblox
Group link : Signature Apparel - Roblox
[ Note : Rules may change depending on feedback we receive from players. ]