Signing into Roblox through the DevForum displays an undefined page

Reproduction Steps:

  1. Make sure you’re logged out of both your Roblox account on the main website AND on the DevForum.
  2. Go to the DevForum homepage while you’re logged out.
  3. Click the blue “Log In” button at the top right of the screen.
  4. Sign in With Your Roblox Account.

Expected Behavior:
Should redirect me back to the DevForum homepage as logged in.

Actual Behavior
Displays an undefined page.

Exit the undefined page and go to the DevForum. Click the Blue login button on the top right of the screen and you should automatically log in.

Extra Note: This does not apply to the Discourse App. It will only work when you use the website method.

Issue Area: Website
Issue Type: Other
Impact: Low
Frequency: Constantly
Date First Experienced: 2202-02-04 13:31:00 (1:31 PM PST)

Browser Info: Google Chrome
Chrome Version:
97.0.4692.102 (Official Build) (64-bit)


I can’t seem to reproduce this on at least Chrome, I am able to log in with both of these approaches:

  • Logged out on Roblox, click “Log in” on forum, go through login form, back to forum logged in.
  • Logged into Roblox, click “Log in” on forum, immediately goes back to forum logged in.

Can you please provide all the required information? (you are missing browser information)

Also, do you have any browser extensions that might be manipulating Roblox page routes or page content, or blocking content?


The issue is occurring on Chrome.

As for the extensions, I totally forgot about the extensions. I will troubleshoot and see if the extensions are causing the issues.

Go to chrome://version and grab the full version string. It will look something like this:

91.0.4472.101 (Official Build) (64-bit) (cohort: Stable)

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Done. I just edited my post. Thanks for telling me.

Also, I disabled all Roblox related extensions on my browser and I’m still able to reproduce this issue @Hooksmith

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Can confirm that this has indeed been happening a lot lately, I’m on mobile and using safari, but this “bug” happens on both chrome and safari to my knowledge.

Also I don’t have any browser extensions installed

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Can you provide a screenshot of network console and see if there are any HTTP 4xx or HTTP 5xx errors from any endpoint on ... ? (You can send it as a private message if you want)

Does this happen with all your accounts, or only specific ones?


@Hooksmith I just sent you a PM of the screenshot.

And yes, this happens with all of my accounts. This includes Visitor accounts as well.

Thanks for the extra information in the DM.

The issue is related to the 2SV/2FA prompt not respecting the redirect in the URL properly, which is why I couldn’t repro it before since I’m within the 30 day threshold since last time I went through 2FA. I’ll get this investigated!

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@ValiantWind This should be resolved now, can you confirm?

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Let me check and see if its fixed now sir.

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The bug has been fixed! You will now be redirected to the DevForum instead of the undefined page when you have 2FA on. Thank you for getting this fixed sir.

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