Silk Road Game questions

Some background: my friends are making a silk road based rpg game. We are basing it around the 15th-16th century ish (its loosely based on reality)
So a few questions : how many assets is too many? Currently we have around 4k but are only like 25% done building. Second, how many weapons should there be? The purpose is to kill npcs and other rival players. Finally, what features compromise a good RPG game…
Some photos
robloxapp-20250122-2032050.wmv (5.9 MB)

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four thousand assets? as in parts or like actual models and meshes?!

As in the totql it’s down to 2.5k currently

ok but total what is that total parts or total models/meshes

It’s like 2000 assets. I used game: get descendants to find this number