Silly request - Change the official Bloxy Cola's texture, because it's problematic

Hello I’m Ryxku and first of all I would like to say I’m a big fan of the bloxy cola gear and I wished I wouldn’t write this kind of feature request one day but I have to request it…

Recently I received a warn without knowing why.
I mean, the pattern didn’t help me understand what the problem was.

After a lot of research and talking with colleagues, I learned that the problem came from the barcode on the original Bloxy Cola texture.
What’s more, I’ve been told that certain games can be deleted if they contain barcodes.
And I don’t think Roblox will make any exceptions, since these days they’re trying to generalize everything since moderators are AIs.

In short, all this to say that to avoid future bans and warns, for those who would have liked to reupload the texture of the bloxy cola by changing the color, you should set a good example by removing the presence of the barcode.
Even if it’s iconic.
And Roblox has already updated quite a few accessory textures which cause problems.

In case you didn’t know, barcodes and even fake barcodes are forbidden on Roblox. And I hope some of you haven’t fallen victim because of this bloxy cola.
That’s all for me.


ROBLOX violating their own Terms of Service? How queer! I’ve never seen such a thing-