Simple 3D pathfinding module

Below is a simple pathfinding module that works in 3D space. It was made using the A* pathfinding algorithm, which I have adapted into this module.


Disclaimer: This module is not perfect, it has only been posted here for lack of a better one. It does work and it is functional, but a better solution is likely possible and perhaps even exists somewhere. If you have any feedback for this module, please leave a reply below!

How it works

This module was made using the algorithm explained in this article:
Introduction to A* Pathfinding | Kodeco

How to use

Step 1
Retrieve the module and initialize a new pathfinder object

local pathmodule = require(game.workspace.pathfinder)
local pathfinder =

Step 2
execute the pathfinder function

local myPath = pathfinder:genPath(startPos, goalPos, resolution, size, filtered, useStaticTerrain)

woah! that function just had a lot of arguments!
The arguments are as follows:

  • Start Position
    The position from which your path will begin

  • End position
    The position in which your path should end

  • Resolution
    The pathfinder divides the world around it into a 3D grid, and tests the individual voxels to see if there is anything in the way. The size of these voxels will affect how accurate this detection will be, but also how long it will take for the pathfinder to establish a path. Bigger resolution = fast and inaccurate, small resolution = expensive and accurate.

  • Test size
    This parameter defaults to be the same size as resolution, but can be modified if needed. This parameter allows for the pathfinder to test an area smaller or bigger than the given resolution, allowing the pathfinder to fit through smaller gaps and maintain the same resolution (or prevent it from fitting through bigger ones). Pathing between waypoints is verified via raycast, so this shouldn’t allow for paths to occur through walls. While this does make the pathfinding footprint smaller, it is still not perfect as it still has to align itself to the grid. Use of this parameter is not recommended, but provided as needed.

  • Filtered
    This parameter accepts an array of instances. Any instances included in this array will not be considered in the pathfinding operation. Useful for preventing the pathfinder from trying to pathfind around itself

  • useStaticTerrain
    Boolean parameter. When enabled, the code will save terrain voxels to a table each time they are queried, so that they do not need to be tested again the next time that voxel is interacted with by the pathfinder. Can help performance over server lifetime, but use is not advised if any terrain is modified during runtime.

Only the start position and end position parameters are required for the pathfinder to function.

Source code
--object initialization
Pathfinder = {}
Pathfinder.__index = Pathfinder
function return setmetatable({}, Pathfinder) end


--for static terrain
local discoveredTerrainVoxels = {}

--fills a voxel with a part, for debug purposes
function DEBUG_FILLVOXEL(pos, size)
	local part ="Part")
	part.Anchored = true
	part.Position = pos
	part.Size =, size, size)
	part.CanCollide = false
	part.CanQuery = false
	part.CanTouch = false
	part.Transparency = .9
	part.Material = Enum.Material.Neon
	part.Color =,100)/100,math.random(1,100)/100,math.random(1,100)/100)
	part.Parent = game.Workspace
	return part

function GridVector(pos, resolution)
	return*resolution, math.round(pos.Y/resolution)*resolution, math.round(pos.Z/resolution)*resolution )

--checks for both terrain and part collisions in area
local colCount = 0
function checkCollision(pos, size, params, waterMode, useStaticTerrain)    --waterMode: only, exlcuding, ignore
	--smooth out performance cost
	if colCount > 25 then
		colCount = 0
	--static check
	local terrainEmpty = nil
	if useStaticTerrain then

		--check that this recorded voxel has been recorded for this size
		local entry = discoveredTerrainVoxels[pos][size]
		if entry then
			terrainEmpty = true
			if entry.full then return true end
			if entry.water then
				if waterMode == "excluding" then return true end
				if waterMode == "only" then return true end
	--part check
	local parts = workspace:GetPartBoundsInBox(,, size, size), params)
	--part found, return true
	if #parts > 0 then 
		return true 
	--terrain check
	if not terrainEmpty then
		--read the terrain
		local regionsize =, size, size)/2
		local mat, occ = workspace.Terrain:ReadVoxels( - regionsize, pos + regionsize), 4)
		local foundMaterials = {}

		local readsize = mat.Size

		for x = 1, readsize.X, 1 do
			for y = 1, readsize.Y, 1 do
				for z = 1, readsize.Z, 1 do
					foundMaterials[#foundMaterials+1] = mat[x][y][z].Name
		--detect solid and liquid terrain
		local full = false
		local water = false
		for _, i in pairs(foundMaterials) do
			if i == "Air" then continue end

			if i == "Water" then
				water = true
				full = true
		--insert into discovered table if static terrain is enabled. documents sizes of checks used on this voxel
		if useStaticTerrain then
			local entry = discoveredTerrainVoxels[pos]

			if entry then
				discoveredTerrainVoxels[pos][size] = {
					full = full,
					water = water
				entry = {}
				entry[size] = {
					full = full,
					water = water,
				discoveredTerrainVoxels[pos] = entry
		if water then 
			if waterMode == "excluding" then return true end
			if waterMode == "only" then return true end	
		if full then return true end
	return false

--removes unnecessary waypoints from path
function cullPath(path, waterMode)
	local newPath = {path[1]}
	local previous = path[1]
	local goal = path[#path]
	local params =
	--params.IgnoreWater = ignoreWater
	for x, i in pairs(path) do
		--skip first index
		if x <= 1 then continue end
		--raycast between the last added waypoint and the current waypoint
		local results = workspace:Raycast(previous, (i - previous).Unit * (i-previous).Magnitude, params)
		local water = false
		if results and results.Material == Enum.Material.Water then
			water = true
			params.IgnoreWater = true
			results = workspace:Raycast(previous, (i - previous).Unit * (i-previous).Magnitude, params)
		--insert the previous waypoint if a collision is found
		if results or (waterMode == "only" and water == false) or (waterMode == "excluding" and water) then 
			table.insert(newPath, path[x-1]) 
			previous = path[x-1]
		--insert the final waypoint into the path
		if i == goal then 
			newPath[#newPath+1] = goal
	return newPath

-- generate a path from point A to point B
function Pathfinder:genPath(start: Vector3, goal: Vector3, args: {})
	--useStaticTerrain, waterMode, filtered, resolution, testSize
	local open = {}
	local closed = {}
	local path = nil
	local args = args or {}
	local waterMode = args.waterMode or "ignore"
	local useStaticTerrain = args.useStaticTerrain or false
	local filtered = args.filtered or {}
	local resolution = math.max( args.resolution or DEFAULT_RESOLUTION, .1)
	local testSize = math.max( args.testSize or resolution, .1 )
	local rayParams =
	local overParams =
	start = GridVector(start, resolution)
	goal = GridVector(goal, resolution)
	rayParams.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Exclude
	rayParams.FilterDescendantsInstances = filtered
	overParams.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Exclude
	overParams.FilterDescendantsInstances = filtered
	--check that the goal is in a valid location
	local found = checkCollision(goal, testSize, overParams, waterMode, useStaticTerrain)
	if found then return nil end
	local function algorithm()
		--find S
		local lowestScore = math.huge
		local S = nil
		for v, i in pairs(open) do
			if (i.G + i.H) < lowestScore then
				S = v
				lowestScore = i.G + i.H
		--move to closed
		local Sdata = open[S]
		open[S] = nil
		closed[S] = Sdata
		--process adjacent tiles
		for _, i in pairs(DIRECTIONS) do
			local dir = i * resolution
			local tile = S + dir
			--check goal
			if tile == goal then
				path = {}
				local currentTile = S
				table.insert(path, 1, tile)
				while currentTile do
					table.insert(path, 1, currentTile)
					currentTile = closed[currentTile].P
			--ignore if closed
			if closed[tile] then continue end
			--add to open if not already there
			if not open[tile] then
				--collision check (collision removes voxel from consideration)
				local found = checkCollision(tile, testSize, overParams, waterMode, useStaticTerrain)
				if found then closed[tile] = true continue end
				--sight check (lack of sight prevents source voxel from pathing to this voxel)
				local raycast = workspace:Raycast(S, dir, rayParams)
				if raycast and raycast.Material ~= Enum.Material.Water then print("connection obstructed") continue end
				--insert tile if no collision is found
				open[tile] = {
					G = Sdata.G + resolution,
					H = (tile - goal).Magnitude,
					P = S
			--already in open list
			local sDist = Sdata.G + resolution
			local prevDist = open[tile].G
			if sDist < prevDist then
				open[tile] = {
					G = Sdata.G + resolution,
					H = (tile - goal).Magnitude,
					P = S
	open[start] = {
		G = 0,
		H = (start - goal).Magnitude
	local run = true
	while run do
		run = false
		if path ~= nil then break end
		for _, i in pairs(open) do
			run = true
	--cull path
	if path then
		path = cullPath(path, true)
	return path

return Pathfinder

Credit: @TrippTrapp84 for programming assistance


while using this for my project, I’ve noticed that they just go through walls sometimes?
I have a feeling It may be me putting it to close to the wall- but it still happens anyways

(btw i used your debug visualizers for the parts)

yeah It definitely has issues, I have a more up to date script that I could post here tomorrow. No idea if its fixed though. Also by chance, what are your voxel size and test size?

27 voxel size
and 6 test size

I had a feeling this may be a problem(I’ve been tinkering with it)

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This kind of thing may occur if your test size is less than your grid size. Try making them equal and see if the problem persists

I’ve tried that before and it still had the problem- I came up with these numbers recently after trying to fix it today

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I’ll keep trying stuff to see if I can fix it myself- thanks for helping! : )

If I can I will update you on my solution- also this may also be my fault in some way

that was needed for me so much, thanks!

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I have created a little bit better version of the module for my game, dm me if you want to get it OP