Simple and customizable loading screen

This loading screen was made in an hour or two, mostly was just me watching youtube but oh well, i finished it and i want to share it with you
This loading screen features some customizability like:

Preloading workspace and replicatedstorage (I do not find any other stuff outside of replicatedstorage and workspace necessary to preload)

Being able to add your own quotes (Randomly picks one each time)
Disabling quotes

Being able to add your own images (Randomly picks one each time)
Disabling images

Texts shine to make it appear more vibrant
Disabling shines

To set this up:

Get the model
Insert the model
Put SpawnPoints and SpawnBox inside of workspace
Put LoadingGui inside startergui
Remove any Spawnpoints that you have placed previously (do not remove the SpawnPoint inside SpawnBox and Spawnpoints folder)
Place the Spawbox model very far away (Not too far, just 2-5k studs is enough)
Open the SpawnPoints folder, if you want to have multiple SpawnPoints, duplicate the part named Spawn and place it anywhere else, you can have infinite of these and it will pick randomly each time

To add your own quotes: Open the loadinggui, open handler (not the script but like the children) double click quotes and add or remove your own
Same goes for images
If you want to disable some effects, go into the handler (the script itself) and at the top you should see a few settings modify them to your liking
i dont care what you do with the model just dont reupload it and claim credits, for your own use u dont need to give credits

By the way, by text shine look at the video below, it has like a “glow” to it i dont know how to explain it (In the model its disabled by default so enable if you want it)