Simple .bat files to quickly start editing a specific Roblox place straight from your desktop!

If you’re like me, efficiency in your workflow is everything. One “bottleneck” of my workflow is how long it takes me to actually get set up to edit one of my projects. To solve this, I wrote some super simple, easily modifiable .bat code that allows you to open a specific Roblox place in Roblox Studio with a double-click!


How to use
Simply download the Studio.bat file from the Templates folder in the linked repository above. Edit the file in your favorite text editor and follow these steps:
1. You’ll need to replace the value of UNIVERSE_ID with your place’s universe ID. Either get this ID from the game explorer inside Studio, or use this link:
2. Replace the value of PLACE_ID with the place ID that you want to edit.
3. Replace the value of STUDIO_LOC with the path to your Roblox Studio application. (See disclaimer below)
5. Save the file and run the .bat file to make sure everything is working!

You’ll need to make sure you have access to editing the place ID that you input for it to work properly, and you should be logged in to Roblox Studio on your device. Also, since this relies on the .bat file format, this will only work on Windows devices.

Advanced version (StudioVSCode.bat)
There is an advanced version included that opens VSCode to your local repository, serves Rojo, and opens Studio all at once.

To use the more advanced version, you’ll need to have Windows Powershell, Rojo, VSCode, and you should have “code” in your $PATH variable list to run VSCode from the .bat file. If you do not have “code” in your $PATH variable list, simply use the Shell Command: Install ‘code’ command in PATH and you should be good to go.

Once you have all of that setup, simply replace the variables in the .bat file with the relevant universe and place IDs, along with the paths of your local repository and the location of Roblox Studio (again, see disclaimer), and run the .bat file!

DISCLAIMER: Using either method with paths to files that include spaces can be tricky with batch code. To solve this, you can do some light research on how to set and use variables of paths with spaces, or you could just simply create a shortcut instead and put it somewhere convenient that has no spaces in its path.

Hopefully this speeds up your workflow just a little bit more. Enjoy!


You can do this without a batch file. Simply get the universe id and place id, find your roblox studio shortcut, duplicate it, right click it, go to properties and at the end of “Target” in the “Shortcut” tab, add this: -task EditPlace -universeId universeId -placeId placeId


You can do this in an even simpler way.

You can even have links straight on Discord that open a Roblox place in Studio!

Even on the DevForums!