Roblox Studio Deep Link

boring foreword

My game has multiple place files. When the player joins the game, the starter place has the main menu. From there, they get teleported into the actual “world” place.

Whenever I edit my game, I have to load the "Main Menu" place before loading the actual "Test World" place.

This is typically what I do when I want to continue working on my game:

  1. Go to

  2. Click on my game from the “Continue Playing” section

  3. Edit the game

  4. Wait for the place to load

  5. Go into Places under the Asset Manager
    And double click on the Test World

  6. Wait until the actual place you want to work on loads

If any of you have done something similar, you know what I’m talking about.
It’s not impossible to work with, but I essentially have to wait for studio to load twice.

Here’s a really neat trick I found! You can launch Roblox Studio to edit a place via a link!

This means you can create desktop shortcuts to directly edit published places!
Here’s how to do it in Windows:

  1. Right click on your desktop and create a New Shortcut

  2. Use this directory URL (Replace the PlaceId with your own!) :

  1. Name it whatever you want and hit close

Bam! You’ve created a shortcut to edit a published place!

You can do even cooler stuff with this.
On Discord for example, you can type something like this:

(Don’t forget the < and > characters)

It will look like this in the chat:

If someone clicks the link, it will show them this message:
If they hit “Yep!” it’ll open the place, straight from discord!
This is really useful for development discords.

What’s more, you can even link things on the dev forums!

Click me!

This is awesome for Community Resources!

By default, the devforums doesn’t allow launching applications like this, so I threw together a static website. Use the URL “” followed by the Place Id.

Example: Unofficial place opener
(Don’t forget the question mark “?”)
I could make a custom 404 page using Netlify and thereby make question marks not required, but I’m lazy. :stuck_out_tongue:


Lol nice tutorial but… the “Click Me!” leads nowhere.

aaah freaking early birds
I’m in the middle of editing the tutorial

The Devforums might be parsing it out for some reason.
There are ways around this though. I could have it redirect to a website that then redirects to the link.

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Yeah, for some reason, the @System account replaces <img> tags with Markdown image format, which can easily mess up the post as the image no longer shows, but instead plain markdown. This could be a similar markdown/HTML issue.

alright I got it working

I had to use Netlify to create a static HTML page.
It wasn’t actually all that painful.

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