Simple Color3 -> String, String -> Color3

Whether you’re trying to store colors in your data stores efficiently,

ColorStore:SetAsync("0, 0, 255")

or using RichText to color parts of your text,

'<font color="rgb(127, 0, 255)">GFink: </font>Hello world!'

you find yourself needing to convert a Color3 value to an RGB string value.

You’re trying to do this:, 0, 1)"127, 0, 255"

Conversely, if you’re loading that RGB string value from a data store, or trying to extract the Color3 value out of a RichText string with colored text, you will need to convert that string value into an Color3 value.

That’s just the inverse operation: "127, 0, 255", 0, 1)

If you look around for an easy way to do these operations, you stumble upon help threads with solutions that look like this:

That’s all well and good as long as they work, but to me it just looks a bit wordy/repetitive. You gotta repeat yourself three times for the three RGB channels.

Here is a Color3RGB string function which does the same thing as the verbose functions, but doesn’t repeat itself:

local function Color3toRGBstring(color3)
	return string.gsub("R,G,B", "%u", function(channel)
		return tostring(math.round(color3[channel] * 255))

Sidenote: coincidentally, %u would also be appropriate here if this operation was done using the triple string.format substitutions — string.format("%u, %u, %u", tostring(math.round(etc * 255)), etc..) where %u here signifies positive integers

Here is a single-line RGB stringColor3 function which also doesn’t repeat itself:

local function RGBstringToColor3(RGBstring)
	return Color3.fromRGB(unpack(string.split(RGBstring)))

Luckily, the messy "255 ", "127 " strings with spaces automatically get converted to numbers during the fromRGB operation

That second function is courtesy of @D0RYU:

Roblox uses split.string with the comma as a separator by default, so we can make ours even shorter :^)

If you have a way of simplifying these functions even further, that would be very cool to see, so please respond!

I’ll also add that it’s more efficient still to convert your Color3 values to hexadecimal rather than comma-separated RGB values, just in terms of having the lowest possible number of characters in a data store. You can use hexadecimal for RichText colors as well.

Here are the functions done with hex values:

local function Color3toRGBhex(color3, includePrefix: boolean?)
	return (includePrefix and "#" or "") .. string.gsub("RGB", "%u", function(channel)
		return string.format("%02X", math.round(color3[channel] * 255))

local function RGBhexToColor3(RGBhex)
	local RGBdec = {}
	for hex in string.gmatch(RGBhex, "%x%x") do
		table.insert(RGBdec, tonumber(hex, 16))
	return Color3.fromRGB(unpack(RGBdec))

Here’s what the includePrefix parameter does:

Color3toRGBhex(Color3.fromRGB(255, 0, 127), true)"#FF007F"

Without it, there’s no hashtag/pound sign prefix:

Color3toRGBhex(Color3.fromRGB(255, 0, 127))"FF007F"

ChatGPT helped with the string patterns.

I wish RGBhexToColor3 could be a little more compact.


I will add that Color3 has builtin hex support:

local red =, 0, 0)

local red_in_hex = red:ToHex()
local new_red_color = Color3.fromHex(red_in_hex)



I actually didn’t know this :sweat_smile: almost defeats the purpose of this whole thread since hex can be used basically anywhere that the regular RGB values can, but I will keep it up since it can serve as a central place for people to read and discuss this conversion stuff

Here’s an example of color encoding with RichText using Color3 vs. Hex:


<font color="rgb(127, 0, 255)">GFink: </font>Hello world!


<font color="#7F00FF">GFink: </font>Hello world!

Both look like this: