Simple DeathBan/PermaDeath System Using BanAPI

Usually if you die you just want to restart again…


This isn’t true at all in regards to what I said. The majority of times games I mentioned, like the genres, will place a ban on a user for a period of time, whether that be to check and verify the legitimacy of the death, or as a gameplay feature.

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Well, thanks, I’ve had a older ban script using datastores, its closed source now, replaced with this. lol

The old one was really badly written so… it needed this.

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Attack on Titan lore perma-death events

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Ah, so thats what I was inspired by, I was making the system cause I had a memory of a game using it.


currently using this for a game im working on tee hee

Interesting! But, maybe you should let this post rest instead of bumping it, lol (It’s been dead for awhile.)

Also a tip, set ApplyToUniverse to false.

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