Simple "Force Push" tool I made for a game I'm working on

Just a simple fling power. It originally worked with raycasting but it wasn’t nearly as consistent, so I decided to use this way and it works great! Let me know what you think. :smile:


Looks cool, but the character stays in the air for too long. Make it shorter, while smoother while falling.


Yeah, the animation 100% needs work! I’m going to try and make a new one later, just happy its in a working state right now. :sweat_smile:


I don’t know anything how to force push but maybe I could help on it or test it?

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It just shoots out a trigger once the tool is activated and if it touched any part of a players character, adds a BodyVelocity into their HumanoidRootPart and sets the velocity to the lookVector of the player who’s pushing’s Torso multiplied by something like 75-ish.

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This is so dope and cool, well done.