Hey, developers. I’ve realized how annoying it is to keep track of calculations when changing the player’s walkspeed/jumppower. This is especially annoying when multiple scripts change the player’s movement.
There is a solution that provides a more organized, and less hacky way.
Here is an example of what the module can provide:
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local ModuleScript = require(ReplicatedStorage.ModuleScript)
local newMovement = ModuleScript.new(plr)
If you have multiple scripts, you can use the cache systems. This makes it much easier and simpler since you don’t need to create new movements each time.
local cacheMovement = ModuleScript:GetCache(plr) -- returns original movement or nil
There are also ways to use it for attributes.
If you want to use it and learn more about the docs, please visit the GitHub page.