Simple Lighting Problem

This pesky problem with the lighting has bothered me for a long time now. It’s not the biggest problem and I’m sure most people don’t really care about it but I do. I feel like lighting should look consistent at every angle. So as you can clearly see, two angles with four total parts all the same size just rotated differently. The lighting looks completely different at two different angles. Geographic latitude changes it but the spread of it is never consistent no matter what latitude you choose. 0 is consistent but shows it differently at two different angles. I want it to be the same at all angles and rotations. This should be an easy thing to fix but I am overthinking it. What is the solution?

of course the parts will be affected by the sun’s light.
this is a simple diffuse which i believe mostly all (if not all) lighting engines are primarily built on.

anyways i think turning off environmentdiffuse does the trick (you’ll have to add your own diffuse lighting though).

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How do I add my own diffuse lighting? Setting the environment diffuse to 0 did not fix it

mb i hadn’t actually checked it out myself.

seems to work fine turning brightness to 0:

seems brightness is more or less light intensity from the sun (causing base diffuse lighting).
turning off environmentdiffuse/specular does enhance it from this point.

although if you don’t want stuff to be pitch black where there’s no light source(s) you’ll have to make sure to add some ambient light (first property in Lighting):

Ambient to Black:

Ambient to Grey:

(this is all without any sources of light except the sun, which we are essentially cancelling out entirely.)

what i explained above + there are some GI plugins that bake diffuse light through pointlights, without any diffuse lighting from the sun/skybox. lamplight is a good one, free to use.

they can be quite resource-intensive though, but yield cool results:


This was the solution. Thank you so much my friend :sunglasses:

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