Simple modcall system

Heey, keeds!
Need modcall feature but can’t code?!
Boi do I have a thing just for you!

How to add

  1. Add this Script to ServerScriptService
  2. Edit the Moderators module (add your mods).
  3. Done!

Instant messaging service at your fingertips, say byebye to those pesky hackers and Hello to all those modcall abusers!

Disclaimer: Uses no Datastores or HTTP!


The very purpose of this category is to allow developers to create models and give them out to the developer community to be used for their games, to reference from or to look at the code to find out how to string things together into a certain system or how to apply certain API for a use case.

The Community Resources subcategory falls under the Learning Resources category for a reason. Developers are permitted to share models so others can use them, from learning purposes to full integration into games.


I personally don’t find manual moderation scalable which is what modcalls entail, but it seems that games that do use or need to rely on them would have an easy-going time using this kind of a system. Nice of you to share that.

Looks just like R2DA’s modcall menu, lol. I don’t assume the features are as extensive though since the system itself is integrated with the game. Haven’t taken a look though.

This could prove useful for some users. I personally would like to see how you run R2DA modcalls, unless this and that are different and it works in the way I assume it does.

Cheers. :tada:


Not only is this a resource available for those who can’t code, but you can also look through it’s code to learn how it works whether you do or not. A tutorial is not necessary outside of knowing how to configure it. Dissecting code and learning from it is on your own time.

On the topic of configuration, there is a 3-step process in the model description itself.


R2DA modcalls uses databases, but I’m switching to use MessagingService (like this one) because it’s super fast. Downside is that this one doesn’t have show modcall history, it will only alert players one time once the modcall is made.


That’s actually a sad truth of probably any system that is advertised to users as “call a mod”, mostly because the really sad truth is that there’s always those that just can’t seem to get the grasp of what you should and should not be calling a moderator for. Otherwise, great scripted system, thank you!


You could easily add a detector to stop abuser for example you could only report 1 person every 5-10 minutes.


I think this is counterproductive.

Abuse of a system doesn’t only mean flooding reports, it can also mean falsely using the system. Unfortunately, as far as moderators go, they’re somewhat forced to respond to calls to investigate situations. Obvious misuse can be dealt with on the spot without responding but that doesn’t quite work with falsified or seemingly legitimate calls.

As for a flood check on calls, there could be a possibility of legitimate reports being made by users within those 5-10 minutes. Preventing sending within that time can prolong an occurring situation. Sometimes, as a user, I find myself using report options in quick succession when situations occur.

This all being said, it’s still possible to abuse a mod calling system even with a flood check. This is not a permanent solution, it’s a band-aid with the hopes of stalling how long a single bad actor can send calls while also inhibiting effectiveness for good actors.

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Possibly adding a chat log to the modcall from the server might help mods investigate the issue further before responding.

Obviously you could track further activity in-game, and display that too, e.g. for a building game: Player1 deleted part created by Player2.


This would be amazing if it had mod call history like R2D.

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If only MessagingService was reliable. Idk about its future, but atm only about half of servers receive any messages in the first place (With ~50 servers alive, tested on Mocap Dancing).

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Everyone is to have their own opinion of course, and I understand your stance on manual moderation; but there is proof that it can work. Even though I doubt we’d ever see the competency of the likes of Guardians in Counter-Strike, which is one amazing example of player-moderation working well. I’ve never seen any game attempt such on Roblox.

Plus, a major factor in manual moderation is how the players perceive the games action in combating negative users. In games with such services you actually tend to see player chatter favoring how they get a chance to report people and so on. I think moderation works like this, as long as it isn’t just a call into the void, with a horrid response rate. And with the knowledge that it wont actually help against people such as exploiters. It’ll get merely a drop in the bucket of them.

Vote kicking is a form of player moderation that’s dependent on how appropriately it’s used. Many games feature vote kick systems. That being said, I didn’t say it doesn’t work; I said it’s not scalable. Anything that has to be done manually is not scalable and games with high traffic demand scalability and automation for a lot of tasks, especially when it comes to handling impropriety in games.

This is amazing, thank you so much!