Simple on screen ripple

I decided to recreate the on screen ripple effect I saw in a game earlier, it’s pretty simple but I haven’t found any resources of it so I decided to just publish this one here

(not to be confused with the ripple effect found in some games when you click a button and it ripples within the button)

onScreenRipple.rbxl (69.3 KB)

To tweak the ripple, go to StarterPlayerScripts > LocalScript then edit the control variables on lines 10, 11, and 12, these will affect how the ripple plays out so you can make it look how you want it to.
(sizeMultiplier determines how large the circle will become from the starting size)


A shame honestly


Yea it happens when i publish my videos on topics ,all could see but i cannot see my videos due to my Google Chrome does not support the codec.

Check again, uploaded a new recording, also download the file again if you use it since I updated it so it will be a circle no matter the scale of the device

Video is a bit long… :sob:


It works now! 30carrrrrrrrrrrrrr

what devices does the screen ripple show up on? phone, console etc…

… if it is getting the ‘mousePosition = userInputService:GetMouseLocation()’ , does that mean it only works with PC?


mouse data usually works on mobile, and console doesn’t have a way to click the screen like that (unless they had a mouse plugged in, which it would work that way)

Errmmm, actually, using GamepadService consoles do have a way to click the screen like that!

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Ripple.rbxm (15.0 KB)

For clarification, you want to use virtual cursor when handling input like that for controller to visualize the ripple click, but you can look at the code above, i rebundled the ripple and edited it a bit for controller support
