Simple, performant fall damage script with a equipped tool ignore list

Just a simple fall damage script I wanted to make.

It has some customability:

  • You can change the minimum amount of studs needed for the player to start taking damage
  • You can change the damage multiplier
  • You can add names of tools that when equipped, will make it so that you don’t take fall damage.

It also immediately changes the health on the local side and then replicates that to the server, so people notice right away that they took fall damage.

In case you wanna change either minimum studs to take damage, or the damage multiplier, go on the LocalScript called “FallDamage” and you can change these too variables:


In case you wanna add names for tools that if the player is wearing will make them not cause any fall damage, you can do that by opening the ModuleScript “ToolsIgnoreList” under the LocalScript “FallDamage”, then, you can add the strings that correspond to the tool names.

I might make it so that you can use another script to tell the fall damage script wether a player should or not take fall damage. If anyone wants to do it, you’re free to do so.

This model is licensed under the MIT license. (which basically just means you can do whatever you want i don’t really care)