Simple Punch Rush

Hello there, I am working on a fighting game which I
just started, tell me what do you think about the attack.


Pretty good I like it its just like one of those jojo bizzare game

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a lot of your hits arent registering, try using a raycasting module for hitreg

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They are raycasted, i just put some .1 delay

Hits aren’t registering just like @MamorruAlt said also this is just like barrage anyways cool

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looks cool, but i think the sound was kinda loud of the scream. I like it how the arms arent attached to the body hahaha

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Well the thing is the raycast is like following the direction of the mouse, anyway ive fixed that so that it follows the direction ( where the root is looking at )

also the dummy has 1000 hp, and the damage being dealt is 1

Makes sense now lol that’s why it can’t kill a dummy.

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