Simple question: what is this effect called

The Building Support sub-category is intended for all development support relating to architecture on the Roblox platform. This includes questions ranging in difficulty from extremely basic to even the most technical of issues.

You may present your thread how you choose, but you are required to answer the following questions in your thread;

  • What are you attempting to achieve?
    I am trying to achieve an animated in-game effect on parts like the one seen in the game, “Super Doomspire” (The transparent red force field in the image below)

  • What is the issue?
    I want to know what this effect is called so I can add it to my experiences

  • What solutions have you tried so far?
    I have tried using the ForceField texture, but it does not produce the same result.

A video would probably be better for showing moving/changing items.

If it’s a moving texture (I’m guessing it’s like a lava type movement) it may be a ParticleEmitter with a flipbook in it .

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I believe this effect can be replicated using a MeshPart if you set its TextureId to a pattern and use the ForceField material.