Simple Replicating Material Footsteps

I noticed many of the material footsteps that were already open-sourced are more complicated than I needed so I made a simplified one that is easily adaptable.

    1. Place the “MaterialFootsteps” script into StarterCharacterScripts. This is what actually handles the footsteps.
    1. Place the “RbxCharacterSounds” script into StarterPlayerScripts. This will override and disable the default Roblox footsteps.
    1. If you want, you can change the volume of the footsteps from inside the “MaterialFootsteps” script, it is at the top

Thanks to uglyburger0 for open-sourcing the module containing all of the footstep sound IDs along with a function to get a random sound.

NOTE: These do not account for walk speed, although I’d assume it would not be too hard to modify by changing the WaitTime variable in accordance with the character’s velocity magnitude

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