Simple rifle model

here is a rifle model i made a while ago. feedback is appreciated


It’s very bland, not a lot of detail. I suggest adding a scope and adding a mag or bolt action to the rifle, maybe both.

You can also make the handle material wood and the barrel metal.

the barrel is metal and the handle is wood

It looks better up-close. I still suggest adding a scope, mag, and bolt action.

I’d personally recommend using blender for these types of models, as it is very difficult to make complex shapes within Roblox studio.

I’d personally recommend using fusion 365 for these types of models, as it is very difficult to make complex shapes within Roblox studio.

It’s not too bad, the only problem is the trigger guard, stock, and the lack of a bolt.

You can see how the stock curves downwards to accommodate a grip to hold, and turns back 90 degrees for a shoulder stock. Redo the stock with negative parts and it would look 3 times better.

Even after fixing the stock it would still seem like a muzzle loader, as there is no bolt.

For reference I just found some image of a Lee Enfield Mark III, but you could reference the receiver and bolt design from other bolt-action rifles.

For the trigger guard, make it more circular and make sure the trigger sticks out more than 3 millimeters.

Even if you were to create a simple version of that, the model would look much better.

thanks for the feedback guys here is the model after i upgraded it

I would still suggest removing parts of the stock where the white is drawn in but it did improve a lot.

Like this?

i just wanan ask some logical things, how do u reload it? is it not a breechload like muskit? then tell me if u already figure out. btw, the handle is too big and i suggest u to move da scope forward to almost da end of wood part