Simple show/hide gui script not working

Hey guys! I’m working on a simple script that I should be able to write but for whatever reason can’t. The purpose is to, if a GUI is visible, to hide the GUI, and if the GUI is hidden, then to show the GUI. So basically it changes the visibility to the opposite.

My script is here, it doesn’t error.

local vis = script.Parent.Parent.ShopFrame.Visible

	if vis==false then
	else if vis==true then

It’s really simple, but what am I doing wrong. (This is a LocalScript in button GUI btw)


I’m really confused what your problem is


My script isn’t showing/hiding the GUI, it isn’t working.

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maybe try removing the Else if statement, it’s really not necessary, it’s a true or false value so just use ‘Else then’

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Use MouseButton1Click instead of MouseButton1Down

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That’s not the problem, what you’re doing is adding an infinite yield because you’re saying whenever the GUI= visible then make it false but if it isn’t visible make it visible and it’s just repeating that infinitely

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I just added a cross out button, that way it looks neater in my case and it makes it much less complicated.

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Yeah, that’s probably a better idea

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Just do:

local shopFrame = script.Parent.Parent.ShopFrame

shopFrame.Visible = not shopFrame.Visible

Make sure it’s a local script.

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That isn’t the problem, the problem is that they’re assigning a static value (whatever Boolean is assigned to the GuiObject’s ‘Visible’ property) to a variable named “vis”, this variable is not a reference to the GuiObject’s ‘Visible’ property but instead a reference to its initial ‘Visible’ property’s value. The solution is fairly trivial, they just need to make the variable point/refer to the GuiObject itself, that way it can be used to fetch the current state of the GuiObject’s ‘Visible’ property whenever necessary.

local Script = script
local GuiObject = Script.Parent

print(GuiObject.Visible) --false
GuiObject.Visible = true
print(GuiObject.Visible) --true
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Maybe try this?? It’s untested though.

local frame = script.Parent.Parent.ShopFrame

	if frame.Visible == false then
frame.Visible = true
	else if frame.Visible == true then
		frame.Visible = false

Is the button activating in the first place? If it is not, try and do button.Activated:Connect(function) instead.

Here is the much MUCH more simpler script:

	script.Parent.Parent.ShopFrame.Visible = not script.Parent.Parent.ShopFrame.Visible