Simple tutorial for each ROBLOX Studio UI Components!

Please note that this tutorial will only contain the basics and a bit of scripting tutorial.

To first create a GUI head over to StarterGUI

And add a screen gui.

When that’s done, you can add:
a frame / text label / text button

Standard box with nothing inside, the button can fire this function

(script.Parent.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() --code goes here end),

and you can add in the text label your own text which can’t be modified by an user.
image / video
Used to show a video / decal from the ROBLOX library, you can even upload your own images as long as they respect TOS


Kind of like a text label but normal users can change their own text (only for them)

There can be multiple UI’s contained in one UI, that means that you could add a localscript in an imagebutton that when pressed can enable an UI.

Code used for the button

script.Parent.Parent.cs.Enabled = true

You can also have the GUI as a model or folder , as I’m showing here.

To change the aspect of the UI we can use two things (I’m going to explain only 1 because they’re the most important).


You can change them in two ways:

Adding an UIComponent.

For the script one:

Create a button.
Add a localscript.

Ok we can start our coding!

Let’s say we want to change the text color of a text, this is how you do it:

First thing: Variables very useful if you want it to be minified.

local billy = script.Parent 

Ok let’s add a function, don’t be scared: it’s easy!

local billy = script.Parent

Now it’s time to actually add the script that will make the text color change. Let’s add another variable, shall we?

local billy = script.Parent
local jonathan = script.Parent.Parent.TextLabel

Coding part!

local billy = script.Parent
local jonathan = script.Parent.Parent.TextLabel

    jonathan.TextColor3 = Color3.FromRGB(255, 255, 255)
--edited thanks to VSCPlays after letting me know that my code was wrong

And you can do this for (almost) every property!

Goodbye fellow scripters, and if you have any problems you can find a more in-depth explanation in the links.

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you don’t use tables for color3, and the maximum value for color3 is 255,255,255 this is the fixed version

local billy = script.Parent
local jonathan = script.Parent.Parent.TextLabel

    jonathan.TextColor3 = Color3.FromRGB(255, 255, 255)

lol thanks for letting me know, I will edit it know with of course mentioning you

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