Today i have made a simple UI library (not complete). I know things better than this exist, but i just wanted to see peoples feedback on it : )
It comes with 2 files (as of writing):
ReplColors and ReplGui
- ReplColors is for Color Presets
- ReplGui is responsible for the creation of the gui.
ReplColors is a list of 75 colours.
ReplGui on the other hand has 2 functions.
- GetLastElement(History: Boolean?) - Returns a table or the instance of the last Created Element. If history, then it returns all instances made with ReplGui in a table.
- New(Config: Props): Props - Creates an Instance. Nearly all properties are provided (except read only ones). Other things are there like the ability to just add a UIStroke (and configure it’s properties) along with UiCorners too. (I have no idea if this is efficient cause its a bunch of ‘if’ statements)
If you have any Suggestions / Criticisms for this please let me know
(If it’s a criticism don’t tell me something like this already exists its about the functionality :D)
Things i will do (dont suggest these if possible)
- Textbox Support (Placeholder Text, etc)
Script Used in Example Shown:
Example.rbxm (6.7 KB)