SimpleAdmin | A modern administration utility for your game!

Update 1.8 Alpha

+ Added :startergive/:sgive
+ Added :clone
+ Added :clean/:clear
  - Cleans any debris created by SimpleAdmin (clones, etc...)

! Recoded a huge chunk of the command processor

This update was pretty painful to work on… It was worth it though! Any problems that you might have been having with commands like tp should now be gone. I’ve refactored the processor to be a lot more stable and support weird command arguments with ease. I’ve tested the update as much as I can, but obviously, bugs can occur. If you notice anything wrong, please open a ticket or ping me in #general immediately.

If you have any questions, please feel free to let me know! Thanks :slight_smile:

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For some reason, the troll cmd won’t work, yet the cmds one does??? But it works in my testplace, which has almost nothing in it, with the exact same settings.
Edit: using the install function of this breaks it: [CE] Carbon Plugin - Roblox

I think it worked.
It trolled you. :eyes:

This script is amazing and I like it, but you should probably add a command bar/line to execute commands silently.

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Look in their discord, there’s a package or whatever they call it to do that.
Edit : it’s this


SimpleAdmin has made moderation much easier for me! I’m currently using the system in :fire: RIOT :fire: CIA Agent Roleplay and :policeman: TRAIN :policeman: Police Roleplay — it works wonders. I can’t get enough of the sleek user interface, frequent updates, and the number of packages that are available to use. I highly recommended using SimpleAdmin if you want a customizable, modern, easy-to-use administration utility.

I also use SimpleAdmin Pro—purchasing the paid plan for $5 a month was not a mistake whatsoever. Having access to the SA Pro Discord bot and API has significantly helped with game management & moderation. Can’t wait for the web panel to release, super excited for that!

Note: while I am staff at SimpleAdmin, this is an unbiased and honest review based on my experience with the system.

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I’m building a big city game project, might be useful for moderation and messing around with my friends. Definitely gonna install it.

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you missed an epic opportunity to use new --nolint feature of luau there

Update 1.8B Alpha

! Various bug fixes
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Can you prove this? What did you use to test this, and which admins did you compare to?

We’ve ran various benchmarks against Kohls & Adonis, two highly popular admin scripts.

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Yes, but what’d you use to benchmark it? I’d also like to see you test it on something like Cmdr and/or BAE2

Not quite sure what you mean when you ask what we used to benchmark… We ran timing tests and compared how long each admin took to load.

Cmdr would be an unfair comparison granted that it’s a very bare-bones framework compared to SimpleAdmin. We have not tested on Basic Admin and don’t plan on it either.

If you’d like to discuss further, I recommend you join our Discord server. Thanks! :slight_smile:

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If you have the spare Robux, you should extensively test more with something like boatbomber’s Benchmarker to get more precise results.

does it have group rank accessibility

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If you join the discord and go to Packages they do have a package for Group Ranks.

I love this admin! Sometimes some commands dont work for me when I have the commandbar in is there away to fix it?

Long live SimpleAdmin, I loved it until it was corporatized.

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