SimpleZone | A simple, fast and new Zone module!

I can replicate the issue, let me debug it

okay, thank you for taking the time!

Found the issue:
If the zone was empty, it wouldn’t detect any parts that have exited. Removing this guard clause should fix the issue :heart:

The new version has been pushed to the PackageLink, thank you for reporting the bug!

Still not working. I have the zone touching a goal and a baseplate. Maybe thats the issue?

I unfortunately can’t find your script and setup in the place you sent:

That shouldn’t be an issue though, hmm…

Ah sorry my bad. Accidentally sent the wrong one…

BallZonePlace.rbxl (143.9 KB)

Just a suggestion. I dont know the specifics of how any zone modules work I just trust that they do lol.

Ok, so the issue was that you were listening to Part with :ListenTo() instead of BasePart, when your ball is a MeshPart.

Works no issues now :slight_smile:

AHHHH okay. Im so stupid for that sorry

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alright, gonna stick with zoneplus for now, need the random point the most

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Hi, what do you mean by a random point ? Being able to in any zone determine a random point in that zone and spawn to it?

in zoneplus you can call a function on any zone, and itll return a vector3 of a random point in that zone, can use that to do, anything, in my case i want to randomly spawn fireflies in set regions near the player

Hello, I have implemented this feature into my new module LessSimpleZone.

Enjoy :slight_smile:

The module doesn’t seem to destroy the zones every time I call it in a script…

OOps, just remove the __metatables and it’ll work :sweat_smile: Ill be releasing a package version without them rq

New package version without protected metatables published, might take a while to update

Update: Added “LocalPlayer” as a valid :ListenTo() datatype!


local zone = Zone.fromPart(workspace.Example)


zone:ListenTo("LocalPlayer", "Entered", function()
	print("The local player has entered the zone!")

I also removed some issues regarding overlapping BVH’s with the .fromBoxes() constructor.