Hi devforum, I would like feedback on a game icon i have made. This is just for practice and I would like to know your honest opinion. Thank you in advance!
Looks good, I love the design of it!
I don’t know, something seems off about this.
To start, the shadows on the chests make it look like a sticker pasted on a background. So does the text. Maybe change it up a bit and remove the shadows!
This is my personal opinion and I’m not forcing you to do it.
This is fair, since its your own opinion, but when i was creating this i was going for the ‘sticker’ look that alot of simulator games have. So i’m glad to hear it turned out like a sticker.
Its good, although I suggest not having it tilted, it throws off the design.
I’d suggest scaling the treasure chests up a bit, there seems to be a lot of wasted space.
This looks amazing, keep up the good work.
Looks good! However, I do not like that you imprinted your name on the icon. Maybe move it off to the bottem right corner, and make it small, atleast noticeable? Looks great! Keep up the great work!
It was so people dont steal it, its called a watermark.
I agree, I think it looks a bit weird like that.
Looks great, perhaps add a watermark or something more interesting in the background. Overall looks great! I know you have a watermark but maybe put that in the top right.
Oh okay! Well I think it’s a little too noticeable, so I just mean that it should be in a corner somewhere, still recognizable!
Sorry for the late response, but if I put it in the corner people can just crop it out.